This is what we are endlessly doing in our lifetime.
I say ‘endlessly’ because you can be offered that promotion, move to a new place, find more connection to the people you love and still you want to find a way forward. Goalposts are ever changing, our environment can shift and we ourselves undergo transformation continually, because we are ever evolving in our lives.
Wherever we are, all of us want to find a way forward to what it is that we seek.
As humans we all long for the same thing. I have lived and worked on several continents and have yet to come across someone who does not wish to be healthy, abundant, peaceful and have deep connection to others.
I have found myself facing many different circumstances in my life, every single time I have returned to the same basic formula which makes me feel whole, strong, calm, grounded and joyful.
You are literally a different person every day you wake up. Before starting session together, a teacher of mine used to ask me what was happening in my body ‘that day’. The reason she asked me this is because my body is different every single day. My mind is a different landscape every single day. Whenever you are trying to achieve something, encourage results in a different area or shift a behavioural pattern, it makes sense to come back to the fundamental pillars that make you strong. By strong, I do not mean lifting heavy weights or going for long runs. I am referring to feeling strong on the inside. I almost wrote ‘feeling strong on the inside as opposed to looking like GI Joe/Jane’. Interestingly though, the people who do look like elite athletes, really cannot get there without a specific mindset. The mindset involves behaviours to eat appropriately, sleep for a determined duration and train effectively. This means prioritising life and streamlining events to facilitate progress.
So without being an elite athlete, when you need to change things and move things forward, physically, emotionally or spiritually, there are basics that bring stability and safety to your system, which allows development and change. We will get into the nervous system another day (science time!). If you get some of the basics established, you get into a state where you start feeling in charge, motivated, stable and strong enough to move forward.
A positive attitude, being thankful and grateful for opportunities that come your way, people you have in your life, what you have learned so far are all things which help bring more good feelings into your being. Good feelings or any authentic feelings help you to navigate to where you want to go.
Be an early bird. For some people, sleeping in after 6.00am creates a dull tired feeling which does not inspire you to get moving and alter your life. Also, rushing through your morning just does not inspire joy for the day ahead. Try setting your alarm 30 mins earlier so you have time for your morning routine and make breakfast.
Eat a breakfast which fuels you for the day ahead, nourishing you. Consider what you eat and how much you eat for breakfast. Your first meal of the day ideally contains a good shot of fibre, some protein and fat and carbs. It doesn’t have to be fancy, porridge with some chopped almonds and a spoonful of flaxseed. Easy and takes minutes.
Get outside, in the morning if you can. A walk in the morning is wonderful for getting your heart moving, your body woken up and fresh air pumping around your body. I feel like I have been brushed with a toothbrush after a morning walk in the park.
Try to move your body at some point in the day. It can be walking, gardening, yoga or HIIT just move your body. It benefits your endocrine system which impacts hormonal fluctuations, sleep quality and more.
Drink water.
Drink more water.
Stay away from sugary things that take you up and then leave you crashing and desperate for another fix. Eat regular meals, have healthy snacks and … drink water.
Listen to music. Check out ‘What Music Can Do For You’.
Read books. Reading a novel allows your imagination to transport you to different places, or times with people you would never meet. Becoming engrossed in a novel enhances connectivity in the brain and improves functionality. We can also become inspired by the people and places we read about. Empathy and emotional exploration occur without us even actively seeking to develop these aspects of ourselves.
Have a good wind down routine.
Go to bed at a regular time. The body rewards you over time when you have a regular sleep time. Studies have demonstrated that productivity increases when people go to bed at the same time each night. Our natural circadian rhythm is a process which regulates sleep-cycle and repeats every 24 hours. An optimal sleep schedule would be 10.00pm to 6.00am to be in line with our innate rhythm. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) states that between 9.00pm and 11.00pm is best. According to Ayurvedic principles, just before 10.00pm is the time to be snuggling down into the sheets. Whether you are familiar with TCM, Ayurveda or your mum’s advice from years ago, they all point towards being asleep around 10.00pm.
This is a basic routine to implement movement. It is crucial to commit to it as your daily routine is what paves the road of your success. Once you have got this nailed, you can move on to body brushing, chanting, green smoothies and maybe even a spot of yoga…